Here it goes...

Here it goes...

Friday 13 July 2012

 Preparation, and waiting.
So, the date is set. And that is about all. I intend to fly on the 7th of September, which happens to be a Friday.  The issue of packing is one that I am avoiding. I find it somewhat (I love the word somewhat, even though I don't really think I know what it means and always whack it in) impossible to formulate a strategy to pack my entire life into one or two suitcases. Additionally is the issue of weather. When I first land in Turkey it will most likely be about 35 degrees. However, due to it's central location I have learnt that the temperature in Ankara can dip to the minus 20's in the peak of winter. This issue only adds to what I seem to be the next film in the Mission Impossible series. Bollocks. I'm gonna have to get all Tom Cruise in my packing business. If anyone has any suggestions to how this all-weather terraine may be synthesised with what, and how to pack then I will be very appreciative. Thermals and a Bikini? Seems good to me.