Here it goes...

Here it goes...

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Panic and Deaths Door..

Preparation has not been as smooth as I originally intended. Right now I am sat on my bed, with various piles of clothes scattered in every possible way, receipts for things I can't really afford to buy (although the bum bag was definitely an essential I think?) littering the floor and a certain amount of lethargy that I just can't seem to shake. The problem is, I WOULD pack if I had a case. But the fact that I don't isn't seeming to encourage me to sort this out but to simply avoid packing. I hate packing anyway. Its boring and I always bring too much useless stuff (like 18kg when I traveled around Eastern Europe that I hoped to lug on my back the entire 6 weeks. Result = dumping loved items of clothes in Poland because I simply could not walk with the backpack on.) I digress.
So, I spent the majority of last week in hospital via deaths door. Was taken ill with a horrendous stomach pain that would not subside and was advised to go straight to hospital. Once there, I spent about 70 hours in the waiting room of a surgical ward waiting to be seen. After my first consultation medical professionals were baffled by what could be causing me so much pain, and so I was instructed to wait a little longer. The nurses kept assuring me that they were trying to find me a bed, but after about 6 hours I realized that no matter how much pain I was in, the nivarna of a bed would never be achieved. Combined with the narcotic painkillers I was on, I decided that I would instead sleep in the waiting room. This was then repeated on the second day, as there were to be no conclusions on what was wrong with me... a total of 23 hours was spent in the horrific waiting room in the matter of 48 hours, with hardly any due care or attention. After having an ultrasound some inflammation was found in some tube (?) that connects the upper abdominal area (?) but the doctors wanted to investigate futher with an MRI scan. HOWEVER, this MRI scan would take up to 6 weeks to come around - and I was leaving for turkey in a week?!?! Doctors were not sympathetic of this. By this time I was sent home, with my beautiful and ever loving mother caring for me. (what an angel) So this whole episode greatly reduce my chances of doing my year away itself... panic and ALOT of tears ensue.... a few days later....  and I am feeling completely different. Still sore and not quite right but generally well and back to myself. I am seeing the doctor tomorrow and hopefully he will give me the all clear and everything will be as it was.
The whole ordeaI has made me realize how much I was actually looking forward to this adventure. Although I am scared, petrified and slightly dreading it I also am so eager to learn more about myself, meet people from every corner of the globe and simply embrace a foreign culture. If anything, the positive of this inconvenient turn of events has, although put me massively behind schedule, encouraged me that I am capable of this, and actually quite excited......

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