Here it goes...

Here it goes...

Wednesday, 7 November 2012


Apologies for the lack of update. My body is doing the thing that it is best at, and has decided to give up on me at the exact moment I really need it not too. This is now day three of physically being unable to get out of bed. After a very awkward trip to to the doctors, in which my Syrian friend had to translate the fact that I had an infection (brilliant), blood tests and all sorts I am now on antibiotics which I think i may be allergic too. Woohoo. I want me mam I do.

In other news I turn 21 on Sunday, am going to Istanbul on Friday and Obama was re-elected today. So you know - silver lining.

1 comment:

  1. Evie,

    I hope you feel better soon. Thanks for increasing your font size - my old eyes thank you too.




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